Jordi Espinosa
2 min readOct 15, 2021


Hey, Jordi’s here. Let me introduce you to today’s topic. Today I’m going to introduce you the backlog resource. Let’s get started!

When we refer to a backlog, we normally talk about a list of tasks that are pending to be done. Normally this list of tasks is organized according to its priority.

When we are part of a development team, usually the product manager will focus on the high-level priority tasks to get done some specific tasks.

It is basically a “tasks to be done list” but, organized according to its priority. Normally the product manager usually puts his efforts into those tasks that interest the team the most during the sprint.

To complete a backlog, a meeting is usually held with the design and development team to establish a list of pending tasks and later, assess the time and priority for each task, and with this being able to have a list with priorities that can be completed by throughout the month or weeks.

The backlog is a very useful tool in teams because it helps to have a clear idea of pending tasks, tasks that have higher priority than others, facilitates communication with the team and above all keeps the team updated.

On the other hand, the backlog also helps to facilitate the work environment and helps to avoid generating workload, the whole team knows at all times what to do and how to do it.

Finally, in the “backlog meeting”, I personally like to introduce the PRD’s for each project so we make clear what Product Requirements do have every task that we are going to prioritize.

More content related to this topic in my upcoming eBook I also talk about some tools that are useful to set your backlog and how tools to deal with workloads.

How to create a backlog?

Once you’ve understood the definition and the mechanism of how a backlog works, you can immediately start creating your own board in Notion. Create a new page and start collecting there all the “to-do” tasks that are pending. On the other hand, normally brands have their own workflow to work within the provided tools. However, if you are a freelancer just create yours at Notion.

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This is an extract of my upcoming typographic eBook. You can actually join now the waiting list by introducing your email in the correspondent section to get early access and a sexy discount.

I will make sure that you guys understand that typography isn’t hard, but needs to be taught correctly to manage it accurately.

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Jordi Espinosa

Hi there, my name is Jordi Espinosa. I’m a designer, photographer and content creator.